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Hello & Welcome!

Get Curious, Stay Curious

From my curious mind, springs forth a bevy of information, questions, mixed in with a dash of my humor. I hope you enjoy all of my musings. 

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I'm so glad you're here!



And I hope that you enjoy my website. This is an extension of my social pages, which also includes a shop + my booking platform. I aspire to start writing a lot more again, while I also maintain a beautiful space here for you guys to come back and check on, and to move towards streamlining my business and online presence. A lot effort, time, and stress has gone into keeping and maintaining this space. And if you've been with me awhile, you probably have noticed the changes as I have grown into who I am.


I would love to capture every exciting moment, the triumphs over the struggles, my process of learning, and handling this adventure called life. I also hope to include more of my personal experiences, a blog series covering the spiritual journey (and what I have learned there), a space for your personal questions to be answered, and card deck reviews. While I am still figuring out what works best for my virtual space, I truly wish that the information on this website does help those who are seekers. I have written a lot on the blog, and have a lot of different areas to explore there.


Please, feel free to take a look around, leave me any feedback, and subscribe to my upcoming newsletters and be the first to get exclusive coupons.


My website has changed and grown with me over the years, and I am constantly looking for new ways to share what I am learning. I also enjoy having the option to write about my experiences and share my stories with all of you. While the written word isn't as popular as it once was, I still value it greatly. I will continue writing and sharing my stories here.


Thank you for the wonderful support and for always making this gal feel like she belongs. 


Much love, light, and a multitude of blessings!


Nancy from Astrology and Angel Mediums  

P.S. - Check back often, as I am still updating and adding new content to this site!

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