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Card Drawing June 14, 2020

Good day, soul friends! Black Lives Matter! It is also Pride month, so to all of my LGBTQIA+ friends, please be safe out there! Hope your week was wonderful. We have the end of Gemini season coming this week and will are in the middle of the Eclipses magic to help us, as well as the 6 Retrogrades to bring more healing this summer.

Today's guidance comes from the Sacred Symbols deck by Marcella Kroll.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you selected Card 1:

Trust -

Step into the Unknown. All may not be revealed at this time. Trust in the unseen forces. Meditate on this to let go of all attachments or possibilities, to free yourself from your dharma, and increase your trust in your guides and the Universe.

The Universe is looking out for you! Now it is time to trust that the path you are on is in fact the right one. Believe that whatever you desire can be manifested in the proper time and for your highest good. Trusting the Universe takes courage, but it also removes the burden of doing it all on your own. When you feel alone in a situation, it can diminish your energy and desire to take actions that will improve the situation. This card reminds you that you are not alone. It is also a reminder that positive energy is available to you to manifest what you truly desire.

This card asks you to take a ‘leap of faith’ and to trust in the Universe in that if you begin a new journey, you will find success. It may represent a choice to be made - one of vital importance.

It shows the highest potential for your life, reaching a state of renewal and new beginnings, where each day is an adventure and each moment is lived to the fullest.

If you were drawn to Card 2:

Guides -

Your ancestors are calling to you now. They surround you not only with their love and protections, but also offer you their wisdom. Allow the helping spirits into your world today. You are not alone. Meditate on this when you need a little otherworldly assistance from your spiritual team.

Spiritual protection is important at this time. Ensure that you are cleansing your energy before putting on protection. You are expanding your awareness and evolving to a higher vibration. This great vibratory shift is part of humanity’s natural evolution. It is occurring alongside rapid technological change. Time seems to be going faster and faster, the days and years fly by. This is why you feel overly sensitive and emotional at times and why there is so much fear and confusion in our world. Looking back at our history we see that great change usually occurs in times of conflict and upheaval.

Call on your Spirit Guides and Angels to assist you in feeling connected, protected, and divinely directed. Don't use fear as a limitation; instead transmute those feelings into love. Know that Spirit ALWAYS (all ways) has your back. As you step into this newfound phase in your life, give yourself permission to feel safe.

Thank your Spirit Guides for guiding you on… even when you weren’t listening, they never gave up.

If you chose Card 3:

Focus - If you have been feeling scattered now is the time to hone in on your desires. Time to be direct and very clear with your intentions. Watch your thoughts, because you are drawing into your life what you are focusing on. Meditate on this card when you want clarity and directness in thought and speech. Focus all your energy on a new project. Set your goals, but live in the moment. Release your attachment to "expected" outcomes and "cross the bridges as you come to them." Release yourself from heartache - accept your loss and release the sorrow. Make a conscious, determined choice to pick up the pieces and move forward towards your future - seek a new beginning. There are conditions brewing in your life you have no control over. Do not fight them. Change is inevitable and is for the best, for the higher good. Even if this storm blows away the structures you think you have built your dreams on, all will turn out as it should. You will have a renewed clarity and strength to do something even better. Spirit is your ally. Take very special care to focus only on what you wish to create, and let ALL the rest go.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!


Black Sky


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