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Card Drawing July 19, 2020

Good day, soul friends! Black Lives Matter!

Hope your week was magical! Tomorrow we have the New Moon in Cancer and hoping it brings some positive shifts for everyone. It is officially hot summer weather here, so trying to just stay cool and focus on updating my website as much as possible.

Today's guidance comes from The Spellcasting Oracle Cards deck by Flavia Kate Peters and Barbara Meiklejeohn-Free and artwork by Liabeth Cheever-Gessaman.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you chose Card 1:

Wellbeing -

Concerns about your wellbeing have been flagged and you're being reminded to take steps towards healing aspects of your current state of being. Changes call you to adapt. Whether this is on a physical, mental or social level, the prime concern is looking at how to achieve the optimum levels required to feel, and be at, your very best. By doing so you'll emerge with a positive self-esteem, so you can live and work productively while feeling engaged with the world around you. Happiness, health and comfort support you as you take steps towards personal fulfillment.

Magical Meanings:

- Lifestyle meanings need to be revised.

- A welcomed energy shift is occurring.

- Try to consume healthy foods and beverages.

- You're about to turn a corner.

If you picked Card 2:

Talent -

You were born with great aptitude, but you need to hone your skills to ensure that they're at their best, so you can be at your finest. You may feel the pressure to do well and sometimes your nerves get the better of you. You've been blessed with a wonderful gift but don't know how to make the most of your talent. Don't buy into competition. Instead, think like a winner to overcome any limitations. Give it your best shot. This is your chance to shine, to prove yourself. But most importantly, enjoy yourself as you live up to your true potential as a champion.

Magical Meanings:

- Share your talent with others.

- Practice makes perfect.

- Shine your light.

- Sign up with a talent agency.

- Go for what makes your heart sing.

If you selected Card 3:

Travel - What you wish for will not come about by sheltering within the comfort of your four walls and all that makes you feel secure. You're being called to journey the road less travelled, for the answers you seek certainly won't be found while you're sitting on the sofa! Instead, book that trip of a lifetime, soak up the fiery sun of faraway lands, go climb a mountain, bathe in tropical waters or make that overdue visit you're been promising. This is the perfect time to go and seek adventure and to retreat from a mundane world. So be the bold explorer - go and discover for yourself what's waiting out there, just for you. Magical Meanings: - A journey reveals answers. - You need a break. - You're protected. - Travel brings about the changes you seek. - Break from your comfort zone. - Freedom awaits.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!


Black Sky


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