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Card Drawing April 26, 2020

Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was magical! Here we go on the first Sunday of Taurus season and I am hearing up to celebrate my 37th in a couple weeks. Crazy how this year has felt so long, but also going by quickly. Please take care of one another out there. Be safe, stay healthy, and well.

Today's guidance comes from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle deck by Colette Baron- Reid.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you selected Card 1:

The Lady of Lightning - Surprises, Sometimes Shock, Total Paradigm Shift

As an Ally, the Lady of Lighting brings you powerful forces of change into your life. She tells you to expect a sudden sift in your circumstances. Perhaps a situation you weren't anticipating arises and offers you the opportunity of a lifetime, or a series of "Aha!" moments culminates in a pivotal flash of insight, causing everything to change "just like that!" Maybe someone enters your life and pushes you to new heights. You may have a brilliant idea that hits you like lightning.

Be prepared; change is imminent, and a total paradigm shift may be upon you. Don't resist the changes, as this kind of lifting isn't something you want to fight. Great things are happening when the Lady of Lightning appears.

If you were drawn to Card 2:

Sisters Of The Seasons - Cycles of Growth, Natural Law, Divine Order

When the Sisters of the Seasons meet you on your path, they remind you that everything has a natural rhythm that obeys a higher law. Just as the seasons magically pass, be reminded that the nature of birth, growth, harvest, and decay cannot be altered. So if you keep on your path with determination and discernment, allowing for the natural course of events to unfold, success is assured.

Divine appropriate timing is guiding your desires into perfect manifest form. This is a very good period to start new things, as you have moved out of winter into the beginning of spring. Continue with patience, and be aware of the rhythms of your opportunities. There will be periods when things slow down and begin anew, move into fruition, and then slow down again in a never-ending natural flow.

Be mindful of which Sister greets you, for she points directly at the next. Every moment counts now.

If you chose Card 3:

The Well Watcher - Wisdom, Power of the Divine

The Well Watcher signals the need to go within to contemplate the true source of power in the world – which, he reminds you, is that of the Divine. This is a message to let you know that you are being called to the Well, and this unseen power will be there and will be yours to align with.

This affirmation and prayer will invite the Divine to bring miracles and resolution into your life: “Thy will be done through me for the highest good of all and for the true manifestation of my soul purpose.”

You will know the way forward by the still, small voice within you. The Divine also may answer your call by sending others to help guide you.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!


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