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Card Drawing February 23, 2020

Good day, soul friends! Happy Sunday and New Moon in Pisces! Hope your week was wonderful. I have been very busy the last few weeks and also getting ready for big changes to come. I am making space and just really stayed grounded today by repotting some of my plant babies, cleaning off areas, dusting, and even did some windows! Sometimes it is just so necessary to dust all the little corners we forget. Taking care of the small things helps the big things settle in nicely!

Today's guidance comes from The Light Seer's Tarot deck by Chris-Anne of Pixie Curio (@pixiecurio ).

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you selected Card 1:

Seven of Pentacles - "I give thanks for what I am about to harvest, knowing that my life is headed in a beautiful direction." If you are watching the plants closely, they never really seem to grow. But when you look away for a moment, they flourish overnight. Trust that things are happening even when you can't see the nuanced energies that are bringing them forth! This card is a sign that you are almost there. You've been doing the work and your wildly successful roots are growing. While you may not see the fruits of your labor yet, know that they are on the way and that any lack that you feel is simply residual energy that you are working through. It's time to root into faith, belief, and knowing... because you've come so far on this journey and it's almost time to enjoy the rewards of your determination. Take a moment to pause, give thanks, and realize that you are the living, breathing results of all your memories, hopes, dreams, and hard work. This is your long game. The investment. Keep going.

If you were drawn to Card 2:

Keeper of the Sacred (The Hierophant) - "I am my own guru and my highest guidance is rooted in faith." As you search for your divine truth, you create frameworks of understanding that help you to expand your consciousness and that ground your faith into your reality. Your own spiritual beliefs should support you at this time, and if they don't, you are being asked to activate a deepening your faith in order to find the guidance that you seek. When the Hierophant shows up in a reading he is asking you to grow, and to hold more light within your being than you ever have in the past. If you've been stuck in an old system or a structured way of acting or being, it is time to let that fall away in order to make space for a better version of you. Be open to new paradigms, perspectives, mentors, or teachers coming into your life at this time. The Hierophant serves as a living portal, and he may show up in a variety of lessons or circumstances. Look to repeating patterns around you, and strive to understand your own internal compass. It's time to find the wisdom of the heavens, within. Listen to the wisdom of your heart.

If you chose Card 3:

The Moon - "I trust my intuition and I float." When faced with uncertainty and illusion, it can feel like we are drowning in the unknown. Trust that you will be okay, even if you can't seem to discern up from down right now. When you stop struggling to see that which you simply cannot see in your shadows, you will experience a deep release that will allow you to float to the surface of your truth. The Moon card asks you to go within, and to calmly listen to the whispers of your own intuition. When you choose to fall into the moon's still waters, your inner wisdom will embrace you, and then push you towards the light. Pause to seek. And seek to feel. And feel to float. And float to thrive. Follow your breath all the way up. The moon's gentle caress offers you the key to your subconscious mind, and asks you to submerge your thoughts in her shadowy messages. She will reinvigorate your creativity and resurrect your spark as long as you reach beyond your own fears in order to find her. Sometimes, this card illustrates that you cannot possibly know everything about your situation at this time. There is divinity here. There is magic here. Breathe past insecurities.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

Black Sky


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