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Card Drawing December 31, 2019

Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was wonderful. I can't believe 2020 is already a few hours away! I have been healing most of the break, after getting the flu and now some mysterious symptoms.i meant to do a card reading this Sunday but the day got away from me, so let's close out 2019 with one more card drawing. We are in between eclipses and I find the energy to be quite charged, I can't wait to see what this next decade brings.

Today's guidance comes from the Sacred Power Oracle deck by Anna Stark.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you selected Card 1:

Change - New beginnings bring challenges. Adapt to your surroundings. Like the wind, the universal spiral symbolizes change and growth. The spiral is a sacred symbol that reflects the universal pattern of growth, evolution, the goddess, fertility, and life force energy. Just like the changing seasons, new life is formed after a period of hibernation. Plants know when to shed parts of themselves, dropping their leaves, branches and seeds at the precise moment. Their natural rhythm is synchronized with their environment. Walking down the road of change allows you to see where you have been and where you are going. This perspective can be confronting, but one needs to recognize past issues and mistakes to make better choices. These learning experiences require you to let go and surrender to your own divine will. Beginnings are often described as painful endings. Accepting your current position in life can offer powerful realizations about your current circumstances. Focus on life changes now. If you insist on making a decision, be patient and seek professional advice to secure solid foundations before the final phase. Right now there is change in the air. You are moving quickly into the next cycle of your life. This acceleration may feel uncomfortable at first but it is essential for your progression. Being uncomfortable allows your soul to expand and grow. Surrender and let go of any fear you have surrounding the change required, to ensure a smooth transition. Be open to possibilities!

If you were drawn to Card 2:

Source - Surrender fear with the power of prayer. Miracles can happen now. As a source of comfort and hope, prayerful thoughts strengthen your faith in life and divine consciousness. Life isn't always happiness and joy. Experiencing sadness and sorrow is a part of life. Turning to prayer during times of trouble and darkness opens pathways for the divine will to act on your behalf. The power of prayer can be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time. When positive energy exists within and around us, it can help us balance any physical or mental condition. Divine Source speaks to us through prayer when we truly surrender our fear and open our heart to pure love. A continued flow of divine surrender opens us to new possibilities while increasing our strength on a spiritual level. Have faith! The ascended masters and heavenly realms will respond in divine deliverance if you surrender your heart to receive. By being open to the work of miracles, you allow universal synchronicities to bless you in abundance. Prayer helps your mind and body to become one. Right now, pray for the miracle you need; you are being divinely assisted.

If you chose Card 3:

Tree of Life - Create strong foundations to support future goals and aspirations. The breath of life is all around us. Self-sustaining, the universal tree of life provides a gateway to connect us to the knowledge of self. You are deeply connected to the universe and the world around you. When you respond to the actions and reactions of the earth and its people, you ultimately decide how you will grow and thrive. The Tree of Life requires you to look at your breath and to ground yourself in the present moment. Nature does not concern itself with the future. Plants know exactly what they need to do in any given moment. Living in the present will provide you with more time. Your presence is all that is required right now; you are strong and resilient. Hold your space! Where are your roots? Plant and keep your feet firmly on the ground now. Any sudden change may cause instability in your personal life. Dig your roots deep in to the earth to create a firm foundation that you can build from. You have the answers within you to determine your direction of growth, but you must be willing to face your inner self and core beliefs. Be open to solutions to achieve the outcome you desire. Patience is key.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

Black Sky


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