Card Drawing September 8, 2019
Good day, soul friends! soul fam! Hope your week was wonderful. This week has been so intense and I have been dragging butt! Trying to get everything done, my youngest got injured at school - turned out to be serious but on the mend now and I am doing what I can to avoid a little cold from taking root for me.
Today's guidance comes from the Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards deck by Sonia Choquette and the Motherless Daughters Spirit Messages deck by Michelle Pazicni.
Which set of card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you selected the set of Cards 1:
Purpose/Master Teacher "Consistency, Dedication, Reliability, Faithfulness" You're beginning to stride into your purpose. Work is no longer a struggle and your Master Teacher is guiding you along the way. The more aligned you become with your life's proper path, the more your days will flow with ease. You'll lose track of all barriers as you with the flow and throw your heart and soul into your efforts. Your dedication will pay off in the long run, but even this isn't important; your efforts are their own reward. Doing what you love so well and so faithfully fulfills you. You challenge is to resist the temptation to push yourself to exhaustion. Remain measured and steady, and don't overlook the importance of taking a day of rest at least once a week. Your Master Teacher is pleased with your progress, but reminds you that you could work forever, your body and mind do get fatigued/ Develop the wisdom to know when to step away and refresh your soul. Your Master Teacher's message: "Pace yourself." "You made the right decision." - You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Rest assured that only fair and honest decisions will be made now. If certain events have made you feel worried and uneasy, take heart! Embrace your personal power and stand up for your beliefs so that things can develop in a way that will bring you peace. Indecision is extremely frustrating and will lead to anxiety, loss, and confusion. Avoid the tendency to let others to choose for you, which amounts to a subtle refusal to take responsibility. Don't give your power away. By NOT making a choice, you ARE making a choice, for which you must accountable. If that choice leads to undesirable circumstances, take heart: Spirit never tires of giving you second chances.

If you were drawn to the set of Cards 2:
Purpose/Master Teacher "Consistency, Dedication, Reliability, Faithfulness" You're beginning to stride into your purpose. Work is no longer a struggle and your Master Teacher is guiding you along the way. The more aligned you become with your life's proper path, the more your days will flow with ease. You'll lose track of all barriers as you with the flow and throw your heart and soul into your efforts. Your dedication will pay off in the long run, but even this isn't important; your efforts are their own reward. Doing what you love so well and so faithfully fulfills you. You challenge is to resist the temptation to push yourself to exhaustion. Remain measured and steady, and don't overlook the importance of taking a day of rest at least once a week. Your Master Teacher is pleased with your progress, but reminds you that you could work forever, your body and mind do get fatigued/ Develop the wisdom to know when to step away and refresh your soul. Your Master Teacher's message: "Pace yourself." "You made the right decision." - You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Rest assured that only fair and honest decisions will be made now. If certain events have made you feel worried and uneasy, take heart! Embrace your personal power and stand up for your beliefs so that things can develop in a way that will bring you peace. Indecision is extremely frustrating and will lead to anxiety, loss, and confusion. Avoid the tendency to let others to choose for you, which amounts to a subtle refusal to take responsibility. Don't give your power away. By NOT making a choice, you ARE making a choice, for which you must accountable. If that choice leads to undesirable circumstances, take heart: Spirit never tires of giving you second chances.

If you chose the set of Cards 3:
Victory/Divine Helpers "Triumph, Leadership, Success, Accomplishment" Your Divine Helpers are present, bearing the good news that whatever you've been working on will succeed. The bad news...well, there really isn't any bad news, but there is reality, which in your case suggests that you can fully enjoy your success only if you recognize that you didn't get where you are by yourself. This isn't to suggest that you must diminish your light or be falsely modest in your achievements-not by a long shot! You deserve to shine, so please do. Your Divine Helpers simply remind you to be grateful, and acknowledge the contributions of those who have helped you get where you are. This includes your spirit helpers and guides as well. One final word: With success comes the challenge of standing alone in your light. Of course you've heard the saying "It's lonely a the top." But it doesn't have to be if you remember how you got there. Your Divine Helper's message: "Share the spotlight." "Learn to embrace the feeling of freedom." - Walk away from restrictions and be free! You have the power and the right to change your life so that you experience more freedom. This card signifies that your soul is crying out for more freedom, especially as it involves your life’s purpose. Perhaps it is time to take a break so that you can think clearly about your desires and available options. The Universe always supports the desire for expansion, creativity, and freedom. Say yes to freedom and the Universe will say yes to you. It is time to leave a situation that you have outgrown. Question the validity of any rules that you have imposed on yourself. Allow the Universe to support you while you make desired life changes. Be assertive and say no to anyone who is overstepping boundaries with you.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!