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Card Drawing August 11, 2019

Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was wonderful. Thank you to those who participated in my mini readings this week - so much fun and now I am all tuckered out! It is a busy Astro day so pay attention to the shifting energies and be open to the magic!

Today's guidance comes from the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you selected Card 1:

She Feels, She Knows - An illumination is erupting from within you as a vision that is bringing what was once obscured into clarity. This is not likely to happen as a blinding, shocking insight, but as more of a softer, gentle knowing. It is like knowing something without understanding exactly when or how you came to know it. This insight will assist you and you are asked to honor it. You will know which insight it is at the right time. Your heart will tell you. You are therefore being asked to rely upon the clarity that is coming to you now, or has just recently come. Gently, but firmly, from that place of knowing, intend to act and take your next steps forward. This oracle comes to you with guidance, particularly about long-range or long-term developments. Something that is far bigger than the immediate situation, issue or moment is of importance - although you will only have a dim sense of that possibility, at best. The situation you find yourself in right now may not be one of joy, but in time you will understand more of the bigger picture. You will come to see why things are happening as they are, and how you are being helped on to the next stage of your path - even though it may look like an obstacle right now. You are being asked to think in terms of long-term happiness. Sometimes this warrants change or even temporary restrictions in the short term. If you can’t see how the present can possibly become what you sense the future to be, this message is especially relevant: “Through the natural process of transformation, great leaps are indeed possible.” You simply must be prepared to surrender into the process with absolute trust. This oracle brings you specific guidance. The situations in your current life are particularly geared towards a more significant manifestation that is coming to you, according to your life path and purpose. This is a stage of preparation and of building a foundation that will hold you strong and centered as your creative journey unfolds and your life path becomes ever more brilliant and luminous. So keep plugging away, remain patient but most of all, be hopeful and trust in the light you sense ahead of you, for it is the light that is within you, simply revealed more fully. And all that is happening now, is happening to that end.

If you were drawn to Card 2:

Dream a Beautiful Dream - The urge to create is the same within you as it is for the universal creator. It also has the same magical ability to draw harmony into being and to find beautiful order in chaos. This includes bringing harmony and the perfect balance of well-being into your body, mind and emotions. This is also a part of you that wants to dream of beauty and bring it to life in as many ways as possible - in how you eat, dress, look, behave, make love, create art, relate to your community, write your poetry by moonlight, or bathe by candlelight.... If you have come to believe that your love of beauty is superficial rather than a genuine expression of your heart’s appreciation of symmetry, harmony and grace then you may block your ability to create harmony in your life. You may believe it to be an unworthy goal, Yet beauty - genuine beauty rather than superficial glamour - flows from within. It is an expression of radiance within that heart and a love of life. If you have struggled with the obsessive attitude towards beauty that tends to prevail in human culture, then it is time you look to nature instead. Her beauty is boundless, quirky and endlessly diverse. If you feel blocked, thwarted or contaminated by others in your quest to brings your beautiful dreams to life, you may feel that your heart is dulled, minimized or shut down. Small-mindedness can limit beauty to a very narrow, physical sense. However, you can shun the social disease of superficial, narrow definitions of beauty, thumb your nose at air-brushed images and dare to love what is. Honoring nature is one example. Give yourself permission to feel ad be beautiful in many ways. You can feel harmony outside of what is supposed to be harmonious! If you are brave and wild enough, you can even find beauty and harmony among the chaos of change. Sensing that change is just the creative process kicking into gear. Realizing there is nothing to fear brings even greater beauty, harmony, surrender and grace to the experience of life creating itself, in more stunning forms, through you. You are meant to dream of beauty and to create beauty, in its far more holistic and creative definition. Beauty is meant to soothe the soul, inspire thoughts of love, devotion and appreciation and to balance the nervous system. These are healing effects! Healing for the creator and those that receive it. They are worthwhile. They are not meaningless, impractical, flippant or trivial. A world without the beauty of art, in all its various and unique interpretations, would be a less colorful, less vibrant, less cheeky and less healing place to be. Time that you spend dreaming of beauty and allowing it to be born through you in various heart-centered ways is worthwhile. Do not disregard it or discount it. The most beautiful dreams can inspire the practical hardworking dedication required to bring them to life for the betterment of the world. This oracle also comes with a particular message you. There is a situation in your life right now where you feel uncertain about your ability to ‘fix’ or heal. You lack the inspiration to be able to imagine it differently than how it currently seems to be. You may therefore feel inhibited in your ability to bring about constructive change. However, the perfect beauty of this situation is not revealed by what you attempt to do to it, or through trying to impose the right ‘dream’ upon it. It is to be healed and perfectly into all that it can be, through the revelation of the beauty that already lies within it. This happens when we accept the existence of inner harmony in all of creation, even if it cannot be consciously observed. By expecting there to e beauty within a situation, even if it is hidden, you will be more open to seeing the healing potential, even in your challenges. Do not attempt to force the situation or issue to take the ‘right’ shape. Instead ask it to show its beauty to you. This might apply to your body, to your relationship, to your finances, to your work situation, a new creative project or anything else. From this place of inquiry you will begin to grasp the creative genius of what is, and unveil not only it potential beauty, but how perfect it is for you at this time, just as it is. In opening up to the beauty within yourself and your circumstances, you also open up to change. What we accept can change most easily, it is when we resist or deny that change slows down and suffering persists.

If you chose Card 3:

Power Of Attraction - There is such wonder awaiting you. There are so many beautiful adventures and so much magic yet to be. Can you keep your heart open to what is coming towards you, without surrendering your experience of this moment by becoming too future oriented? You see, there is magic in this moment too. There is something arising within you, out of the depths of your being. In this process there is a shift in environment both internal and external. A fertility is being stimulated. This is your time to play with that fertility. To conceive, create and embark upon the process of transformation with an open heart and mind. You may not know where it is all going to lead. All you need to know is that it will be wonderful and exactly, perfectly, what is needed. Beyond that, allow the energy of fertile growth and abundance that now flow so naturally and richly within you and around you, simply to be. You are a big soul and with that often comes big dreams. You might worry that you want too much out of life. Perhaps you think that you are only capable of small dreams. This oracle is guiding you to remember that there are stages of creation. A house cannot be built without the flooring. No matter how beautiful the stained glass windows you plan to install are, the walls need to be up first! Your big life dreams are a work in progress, just like you. If you have been working on healing something within you, started a new creative project or just taken on a new job or relationship and feel that although you are getting some results, you are impatient for more, doubt that you can continue or ever find the “zone” or become proficient in the situation at hand, then this oracle comes as a reinforcement. You are doing well! That which is worthwhile takes time to build. Celebrate each success, even the small ones. You are creating something of worth. Be patient, keep going and trust. This oracle comes with special message. You have recently completed a cycle or level of manifestation and are transitioning into the next level of experience. Like a big fish leaving the small pond and feeling like a rather small fish in a bigger pond, there will be some “getting used to it” time needed as you find your way. This will add to what you have already done and bring valuable expansion to your realization of your abilities as well as many new relationships and opportunities to help you go further on your journey. What you are in the process of creating will benefit from this stage of your process. Whether your creation is simply your sacred life path, a particular creative work, or an actual child, there is a positive and constructive energy that is unfolding for you now, to boost this process and carry you further along the way. Do you dare to dream and to believe in your dream until it manifests? Even if nay-sayers challenge you? Of course you do, sacred rebel! This oracle brings you guidance. You are going to attract whatever is needed to complete your work in progress and bring it to fruition. Remain open to receive and trust in the unfolding of your life experiences. Do not turn away. All of the necessary elements are coming together. Allow this integration to occur so that you can manifest your dreams.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

Black Sky


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