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Card Drawing September 23, 2018

Good day, soul friends! Happy Full Moon in Aries! And also, glad the sun has moved in Libra. We are officially in Autumn and the weather here is definitely matching the season.

Today's guidance comes from the Ascended Masters Oracle deck by Doreen Virtue.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you selected Card 1:

St. Francis - Follow Your Heart The answer to your question is in your heart. This card signifies that you can trust your heart’s true desires, even if you can’t clearly see how the outcome will appear or manifest. This is a situation where you are called upon to walk in faith and be true to yourself. The universe will ensure that your needs are met and will help with your relationships as you make life changes. You already know what to do; trust your intuition and take action accordingly. Your feelings are accurate and valid. You are guided to make important and happy life changes. You are receiving true Divine Guidance through your feelings and intuition. St. Francis of Assisi was born to a wealthy Italian cloth merchant, but he later renounced his inheritance to follow an ascetic spiritual path. As he volunteered in hospitals and ministered to the sick, he gained followers who eventually became the Franciscans. Many legends speak of St. Francis’s ability to communicate with animals, and today he is the patron saint of the environment and animals. Call upon St. Francis for help in situations where your family or friends do not understand your choices or spiritual path, or any issue involving animals.

If you were drawn to Card 2:

Lakshmi - Flow Of Prosperity This card indicates that your prayers about finances have been heard and answered. Tap into your manifestation power by focusing on abundance instead of worrying about money. You have nothing to fear. A new flow of prosperity is supporting you and your loved ones. Stop worrying about money; worries only attract more money problems. Everything is going to be okay, especially with respect to your finances. You have the support to make a desired life change right now. Visualize and affirm prosperity daily. Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of prosperity who helps us overcome financial fears and tap into the river of abundance that is available to everyone. It is helpful to put a statue or painting of Lakshmi in the financial corner (according to Feng Shui principles, this is the left rear corner of your home or office as you stand looking inward from the front door). Call upon Lakshmi to help transmute money worries into financial flow.

If you picked Card 3:

White Tara - Purification Something involved in this situation needs purifying. This could be a signal to purify your motives and intentions so they're purely about service and not about fear or competition. It could mean a purification of your body and diet. Or it could simply mean adjusting your life so that all of your actions are in integrity with your true beliefs. White Tara will support and assist this purification, ensuring that it's a harmonious process that brings great blessings to you and others. Put your whole focus onto 'How may I serve?' instead of 'What might I get out of this?' and everything will go better. Affirm loving thoughts about yourself and others. Avoid chemicals and toxins. Leave situations that are out of integrity with your true beliefs. White Tara is an aspect of the Eastern goddess Tara, who appears in various forms signified by different colors. As White Tara, she’s a loving and helpful goddess who increases life expectancy and enlightenment in those who call upon her. White Tara is the very essence of everything that is pure within each human and all of life. Call upon White Tara to reveal your pure inner self, as well as purify anything in your life.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

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