Card Drawing April 19, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Happy Thursday, soul fam! I want to say thank you for being a part of my life and journey. I am so thankful for your presence and support. When you begin to weave your journey, the divine provides the thread. I decided to use this beautiful creation shine alone today in a card drawing, as I received a sample from the creators, and I am so excited for this baby to make it out into the world.
Today's guidance comes from the Threads of Fate Oracle from Blair Porter and Brit June.
This creation includes cards that are gorgeous, luxe, gold-foiled that were intuitively illustrated and channeled. They will be launching their Kickstarter campaign with great rewards on April 25th. I can't wait to purchase my own whole set and connect to this divinely inspired creation.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you selected Card 1:
Strength -
In a card named Strength, one might expect amazing feats of physical prowess or of defeating foes. We all have our wild parts, aspects of ourselves that have grown careless or reckless or fearful through life experiences that left us wounded, or parts of ourselves that society or individuals have told us are shameful. We deem these parts of ourselves unlovable and hide them away. But they do not stay hidden, lashing out instead in surprising ways that we cannot seem to control. Those parts of us have value. This card represents the most difficult kind of strength: the strength to face and love ourselves, to accept and heal, and eventually to integrate so that we can be whole again. This journey is ongoing, for just as we heal one wound, another often appears. In a reading, this card lets you know that, whatever your question, inner healing and forgiveness are part of the answer.
What are you afraid of? What is holding you back? What seems insurmountable to you at this very moment… and what have you given yourself permission to “wait” for until you start your life. Is it possible that you hang on for security, and that you fear success just as much as failure? Either one would catapult you into the unknown. Or is it a long held belief that you are not strong enough, or smart enough, or whatever else that may be playing in your head… what is your “go-to” personal fear? That you keep telling yourself over and over again. Is it a self-fulfilling prophecy?
There will be challenges on the road ahead and they are simply tests of our commitment to ourselves and our dreams. Are we serious about what we are pursuing? Then we will be asked to prove it. Rather than getting frustrated or distracted or giving up or feeling sorry for ourselves, we will stay on track. We will believe in ourselves and we will use our inner resources to stay strong. We will not need to fight but we will stand true for what we believe in.

If you were drawn to Card 2:
Movement -
Fighting or blocking the flow of your Life Force can lead you to feeling spiritually void and disconnected from Source. Just like the metaphor of the river, it does not work to force or fight this compelling movement. When you simply pay attention and observe the flow, it becomes easier to navigate your experiences and see what lies ahead, or at least get a sense of what is to come by the ever-changing geography that unfolds as you cruise along.
Your resistance is hampering your ability to make a choice in this matter. Surrender to the movement of Life, be grateful and you will see the signs along the shore and in the river itself that offer you clues about what direction your egoless Self is to be making. “Go with the flow” is more than a trite aphorism here. IT is essential that you do so now. Breathe, relax, and you will know.
Things may have been a little bumpy lately, but take heart, you are almost there! Surrender to the transformation you are going through, even if it seems scary right now. Fear is a block, and will only slow down the inevitable. You can do this, just breathe.
We are tackling a challenging cycle in our lives right now; an ending and a beginning. Yet here we are, feeling right in the middle… in limbo… and asking ourselves if this is really what we signed up for! Where’s the security? Where is the safety? Bring back the complacency??? NO! All is in perfect Divine Order and by trusting in the process, the process will become easier. Loosen up on the reigns and allow. Surrender to the Divine. Trust in the Universe.

If you chose Card 3:
Alchemist -
Divine alchemy is the art of transmutation, the application of spiritual consciousness to physical form, so profound that an entirely new form evolves. It is irreversible change. It is the coal transformed into the diamond, the lead of sleeping matter, awakened, into the radiant gold of consciousness. Successful alchemical transformation requires patience, courage and a belief in the power of spirit above all else. The radical and permanent transformation effected by divine alchemy may seem miraculous to the outsider viewing the changed form; yet the alchemist knows that when spiritual consciousness meets physical matter, the world will never be the same again.
Alchemists may do their work on the greater human collective powerfully but behind the scenes. No matter what realm you enter, your soul has the ability to trigger alchemical change. Whether you are always conscious of it or not, your presence is helping to repair bodies, minds, hearts and souls from the terror that has been conditioned into them over lifetimes. You have all you need to move forward. Rejoice that all the elements you require for success are, indeed, present!
What elements can I bring together to create a new perspective? How do I balance various aspects to bring harmony into my life? What is the right blend of ingredients for the situation at hand? Do I have the patience to keep working until I find the solution? What is my vision for what I am trying to create, and how do I plan to achieve it? Do I have balance in my heart, soul, and mind?
As the planet shifts, we all shift with her. We are opening ourselves up to more love; more light. Healing. Simplicity. Possibility. Truth. Authenticity. Peace. Compassion. Trust.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!