Card Drawing February 25, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was magical!
Today's guidance comes from the Energy Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor, Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and the Universe Has Your Back deck by Gabrielle Bernstein.
Which set of card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you were drawn to the set of Cards 1:
Victory - Success, Achievement This card shows a beautiful spirit holding a golden victory wreath in acknowledgment of your achievement. Success is on its way, and you have a sense of pride in what you have worked to accomplish. The achievement may be great outer success, or it may be a deep inner change that you have been exerting a lot of effort toward. Enjoy this sense of accomplishment, but be prepared not to rest upon your laurels. People expect outer triumphant to bring great changes, but often there may still be inner work to do. Let yourself be open to victory on every levels now. The angels are guiding you to congratulate yourself and to acknowledge the great strides you have made. Imagine where you were emotionally, spiritually, and mentally five years or ten years ago. You have survived and overcome many difficulties. You have put in the effort to grow and change. The angels see this effort and willingness. They are sending you praises. It’s time to embrace your success and allow yourself to be proud of your journey, even if you are still working toward more progress. Affirmation: I am achieving great things with in myself and in the world. I see myself as a success in many wonderful ways right now. Golden Palace - "There is always enough." The Golden Palace card represents good fortune, ambitions fulfilled, wealth, and prosperity. It may also indicate emotional fulfillment, as perhaps you're entering a time of happiness that's long overdue. The message here is that self-worth isn't measured by what you have, no matter how abundant your life is. Instead, it comes from what you are, how authentically you're living your life, and how much love you're willing to share. Granted, receiving this card does indicate material gain and a furthering of tangible rewards. But things come and go, and knowing your true value leads to even greater riches now. Share the wealth! "My fearless freedom lights up the world." - There is no living a full life without dedication to complete authenticity. This is a time for restoring harmony, first to yourself, then to the world around you. Having absolute faith in the process, in the support and connection to the Universe.

If you selected the set of Cards 2:
Door to Spirit - Spiritual awakenings and new beginnings This door opens onto the expansive energetic realm where all new beginnings originate. The orbs of light are guiding you through the clouds of the earthly world, leading you to a deeper understanding of your eternal identity - the source of all true value and power. This door opens onto truly unlimited potential, for the changes that happen here reach deep into the core of your being. As such, this card often heralds your increasing powers in the spiritual arts and a deepening connection with the spirit world. Don't be surprised if you find yourself becoming more intuitive, more aware of Spirit's presence, or more powerful in your own healing practices. Now is the time to open up to the unexpected guidance and inspiration of spirit and to the magic and power of your true identity! Affirmation: I relax and connect with my spirit's wisdom and power. I live in the peace that my spirit brings, and know that the world of Spirit supports me. Strength - "Your true strength comes not from self-reliance alone, but rom a sincere faith in a higher power." The strength to accomplish even the most daunting tasks is yours at this time. You can connect with and channel the power of the universe. The Strength card indicates that your ideas are being tested and refined and your relationships are being deepened. No matter what happens, nothing can move you off the course of evolution. As the potency of your connections becomes more obvious, you're able to harness the creative energies that are available to you. Have courage and dive in, for magic is the process of finding a form to take. When you remember that real strength comes from a combination of your efforts and reliance on a higher power working THROUGH you, all is possible. You can do anything now! "When I think I've surrendered, I surrender more." - Surrendering is about choosing to tear your walls of separation down forever, to enter into eternal unity with the Universe and divinity. As you learn to surrender, you will be filled with the eternal Love you crave, and gratitude will flow through you.

If you chose the set Cards 3:
Door to Value - New beginnings in finance or career. This card shows a door with a gold coin on it, opening to a place that's filed with light and bright potential. Money, coins, and jewels fly toward you through the open door, revealing a golden cit beyond. All of his points to the potential for exciting new beginnings or expansions where work or money are concerned. Perhaps a new opportunity is totally unexpected, or perhaps it's something you've been working toward for quite some time. Either way, keep your eyes open for this new beginning to appear in your life. Know that anything you value may be open to you now. Remain conscious and creative, and get ready to step through the door. Affirmation: My life is opening to endless possibilities of prosperity. The river of abundance flows freely through my door, bringing me unlimited wealth. Encouragement - "You are receiving a nudge in the right direction." This card tells you that you're being gently encourages to step into your power, into the dream of your life. New things are out there to be explored, and the nurturing power of the universe is giving you a nudge in the right direction. You will get the help you need and won't be alone in your quest. Every step you take right now is supported by the wisdom of the universe! You are on the right path….keep going. "When I accept the love of the Universe as my primary teacher, I will always be guided back to the light." - You are being encouraged to love yourself and to see that you are deserving of love. Practice opening up, becoming a vessel for Love. Divine Love, Unconditional Love, Self Love, Family Love, Romantic Love. Love in every possible aspect. Be that Love. Pull it down from the Universe.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!