Card Drawing February 4, 2018
Good day, soul friends! Hope your week was magical! This last eclipse was powerful for me and I am feeling the effects of it already in my life.
Today's guidance comes from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...
Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you were drawn to Card 1:
The Resting Tree - "Patience, Stillness"
The Resting Trees is a sign for you to stop focusing and planning and be at peace in the moment. This is the representative of nonfiction and relaxation. Patience is the key to being with this Ally.
The Resting Tree asks you to slow down, sit back, and watch the roses bloom and the birds feed in the meadow. This isn't the time to forge ahead in any way. You may not be taking enough breaks, so you're invited to be still and contemplate your good fortune, even if it means blessing the chaos in your life. This is as sign to allow everything to fall away except the stillness of the moment; it's like living within the space between breaths.
When the Resting Tree appears, it signals that you've done all you can for now and it's time to unwind and allow your story to unfold of its own accord. You've earned the right to rest and relax. Amazing ideas will come if you do. Remember the ancient saying, "We do without doing and everything gets done."

If you selected Card 2:
The Chess Queen - "Trust, Strategizing"
The Chess Queen has all the tools you need to aid you in your quest for a life of purpose, peace, and prosperity. When she arrives as your Ally, you're given the talk of asking Spirit for a vision of your life. Ask, also, to know the right actions to ensure your part in this process of unfolding. Them with a sense of trust, allow the strategy to be given unto you by the Divine. Are your own goals and desires in alignment with the Divine Plan for your life?
This is a reminder that there is YOUR plan, and there there is the Divine Plan for your life. When you're in alignment with the latter, all manner of messages are delivered to aid you in taking the next right action for your life. The Chess Queen says that you will win this game long as you let Spirit choose your moves. Follow your bliss and the inspired messages delivered by your soul. You cannot lose when you enter the realm of the Chess Queen and she appears as your ally.

If you chose Card 3:
Lady of the Mirror - "Reflection, Nonjudgement”
The Lady of the Mirror is both Ally and Challenger, asking you to see yourself in the mirror made by the events in your life. She represents the powerful force of the Law of Attraction and reminds you that what you are is what you attract.
This is not to say that you need to blame yourself for inviting transgressions or if you find yourself a victim of a big-picture event - say, a war. This is a distorted interpretation of this law. Certain events are fated to test our faith.
Rather, find yourself within the web woven through your life - your relationships, opportunities, desires, seeming failures, and successes. Observe how you have responded to life’s challenges, great and small, and be aware of what is familiar in the present. release all judgement, and accept things exactly as they are with love.
The Lady of the Mirror asks that you honor every part of your story as essential to your highest unfolding. Can you see yourself as being exactly where you need to be on your path? Do you love what you see in the mirror? Can you perceive your part in your reactions and the motives behind your current inquiry? you will find your answer in a thorough and honest self-appraisal.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!