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Card Drawing November 5, 2017

Good day, soul friends! Happy November! Hope the Full Moon in Taurus treated you well. I hope your week was fantastic and that your weekend brought you some rest!

Today's guidance comes from the Earth Magic deck by Steven D. Farmer.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which card you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you were drawn to Card 1:

DNA - Karma Karma, is a concept in many Eastern religions, is a Sanskrit word implying the greater universal laws of cause and effect, providing an implied code of ethics within the structure of the seemingly endless cycles of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara), which we experience throughout our lives in many different versions. The mistaken notion about karma is that it's some kind of punishment, but it's far from that. In fact, in its purest form, it simply asserts that our conduct in this lifetime will determine our next incarnation. It has also come to mean how our behavior and actions in this lifetime create consequences in slightly different version of the Golden Rule. We not only cary our soul's karma into this lifetime, but also embedded in the complex coding of our DNA is our genetic ancestral karma. The double-helix structure of DNA contains codes that have been passed down from our parents and grandparents as well as our ancestors; therefore, we have some of the same genetic information that comes from the DNA of very early humans. In this card, we see two intertwined serpents with double helixes on either side. Variations of this archetypal image exist in many cultures, both traditional and contemporary. It's a graphic of the most ancient ancestry we can lay claim to: our DNA, the fundamental substance of life itself that provides substantial determination of our life path. Aspects of your soul entered your primitive physical self long before you had begun to take form. While the DNA that you inherited from your biological parents has a physical component, it also has a soul pattern that came together in the creation of "you". You are predisposed to follow the karmic dictates of this patterning to some extent, yet as you evolve in your consciousness and expand the light of awareness, you can make choices that shift and modify this ancestral design. This is one of those times. You can feel the tug of your soul that is both ancient and karmic, yet you also recognize the persistent and loving communication from your Higher Self that contradicts the more familiar solutions before you. The choice is up to you, but know that every time you heed the guidance of your Higher Self, no matter what etheric or physical form it takes, human consciousness is elevated. In a sense, it becomes a choice between destiny and fate.

If you selected Card 2:

Winter Solstice - Reflection This midpoint of winter is not only the shortest day of the year, but also the longest night. The world is very still and the land dormant. Various "festivals of light" are celebrated, and have been for thousands of years, serving as a reminder that the light will indeed return. Throughout many cultures there are tales describing this time as the birth of the archetypical Sun King-including the Christian story of Jesus' birth-representing the hope of renewal from the darkest period of the solar cycle. This image portrays a simple yet powerful representation of the winter solstice. We see a clear reflection of the snowy woods on the still, frozen waters of the lake. The blue tint drapes the scene with an even greater sense of quiet and solace, inviting us to walk very softly lest we disturb the intense yet gentle grace of this scene. The reflection of the trees on the frozen lake reminds us that this is a time for us to go inside-to both our physical shelter as well as our internal world and there contemplate the season that has passed, the season that is, and the seasons yet to come. Review the past year and ask yourself what the most important lessons you have had to learn are, what you have accomplished, and what dreams and visions you want to manifest in the upcoming year. Whether it has been a relatively smooth ride or a challenging series of event, acknowledge our experience as being the work of Source, no matter what your judgements, fears, or joys are. Honor whatever has happened over the previous several months with gratitude and forgiveness. Then let it go. Allow yourself some solitude so you can spend some quiet, slow time in reflection. One you feel complete, reflect on your present life, especially focusing on what you are grateful for. When you are finished, consider what is to come-all the different possibilities and potential that exist before you. Allow your imagination to roam without limitation or ambition, and see what shows up. Notice how you feel in your body with whatever scenario plays out in your mind. These are previews of that which is gestating, and can manifest and grow when cared for properly. Patience and stillness is called for here, for just as the Earth cycles have their own pace, so does this cycle.

If you chose Card 3:

Island - Solitude The solitary tree on this island surrounded by the glassy sea can evoke different feelings depending on one's perception and beliefs. The tree, which is in full blossom, stands out amid the relative stakes, and is illuminated by a beam of light emerging from he others dark sky. It's an elegant reminder of how even in what may appear to be relatively barren circumstances, there is still beauty and growth. Although an island like this can be a metaphor for isolation and desolation, this thriving tree proves that even in the harshest of environments, there is Life. We can see the tree's spiderlike roots spreading out along the rocks, seeking nourishment from the moist soil. The sense of peace and solitude depicted in this image provides nourishment for the soul. You need to take some time for solitude, preferably in silence. Spend the morning, afternoon, or even the entire day by yourself, completely unplanned and unstructured. The bombardment of your senses by the noise and intensity of society leaves you on alert far more than is necessary. The vibration of millions of people's worry ad fear throughout the world can impinge upon you and greatly affect you if you do not honor or need to pull back from time to time. When you have passed through any self-constructed barriers to enjoying the quiet peace of solitude, it will serve you best if you simply observe the thoughts and emotions that pass through you, especially those that cause shortness of breath or a quickening heartbeat. Remember that isolation is experience not by choice, but out of fear. When you decide to spend time with yourself, however, you are choosing to once again find and connect with who you really are.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

Black Sky


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