Card Drawing October 22, 2017
Good day, soul friends!
I hope your week was lovely and that the New Moon in Libra is treating you well. I love the balance, structure, and refocus that Libra can bring.
Today's guidance is brought by The Universe Has Your Back deck by Gabby Bernstein and also the Lumina Tarot by Inner Hue.
Which set of card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you were drawn to the set of Cards 1:
Nine of Cups - "The fruits of alignment." A sign of harmony, abundance, and satisfaction - you are now experiencing the emotional and material reward of going within and aligning yourself and your life. It reflects happiness and dreams come true. The fears you once held in regard to whether you would succeed in creating a life that reflects your soul has now disappeared. You've done it! And you are now spurred on to continue to create with vitality and light. This is about counting your blessings, acknowledging the hard work you have put in, both spiritually and physically and of having grown your life to the point you've now come to. Take a breather, your foundations are solid and your worries are in the past. Enjoy the deep sense of contentment that fills your belly and brings tears of joy to your eyes. This is an emotionally fulfilling time, indicating that relationships may be blossoming and blooming, friendships and business opportunities are solidifying and your finances are on the up and up. You have paved your way to success, and it's now about sharing and celebrating with others, enjoying life's pleasures. You have healed the past and are ready to powerfully create more of what your heart desires. Nines represent personal integrity and completion, or the final stage of development. This final stage may bring certain problems with it, and past experiences and methods of coping become important here and are an intrinsic part of the meaning attached to the nines. It shows a tendency to daydream and enjoy the pleasures of life. You are likely to spend more time thinking about big ideas and grand schemes for an ideal lifestyle than doing the work you need to do right now to execute those ideas. While it is good to ‘think big’, you also need to balance this with action to ensure that you can fulfill your dreams. "Through prayer and meditation I create a ripple effect of peace in the world." - Not sure what your soul is yearning for? Start with meditation, journaling, and asking for guidance from your angels, guides, ascended masters and the Divine. Once you consciously decide that you are open to receiving this information, it will come to you; first in a whisper, and then in a flood. Meet it with positive anticipation and expectation and see the miracle of your life path open in front of you. Know that each step is in co-creation. You step forward, the Universe comes to meet you. Steps don’t need to be physical they can be perceptual. They can be felt, right from the heart.

If you selected the set of Cards 2:
Knight of Wands - Reversed - "Galloping in pursuit." This indicates delays and frustration, getting nowhere, and feeling anger at obstacles and at being denied what you want to have. It represents a loss of personal power or the negative use of power. It can indicate that you are trying to camouflage or compensate for your inability to control this situation. Accompanying emotions may involve a loss of self-esteem and pessimism. This Knight, when reversed, is impulsive, restless, impatient and lacking in foresight. He is so keen to just pursue his own interests or hurry things along that he fails to really understand whether he will be successful or what the consequences of his actions will be. If this is you, you need to be very careful of not rushing into things without thinking it through first. Even if you are starting to get frustrated with a lack of action, you need to consider the consequences before doing something. If this is someone in your life, then it is best to steer clear of them for the time being. They need to make these mistakes in their life to learn and improve, and cannot necessarily be controlled or held back at this point. It also suggests that you are at risk of acting impulsively, doing or saying things that you may later regret. You want everything to be ‘fixed’ right away and have everything working out just as it should but you do not seem to be allowing yourself the time to really think through what is best for you. Be careful, too, that you are not reacting instantly to everything that happens but that you give your circumstances some space and time before you take action. You may also find yourself feeling frustrated that there are certain factors impacting your situation that you feel you cannot control. Again, remind yourself that there WILL be things that you can control and change as you want to. Though it can sometimes indicate some sort of setback or delay, is still a very positive and upbeat card. It says, "There will be a delay, you will have to wait." If so, try to wait patiently. This Knight means what he says. "My outer experiences are a reflection of my internal condition." - What are you choosing to see in your day-to-day life? The answer right now is simple… find your peace, find your center. Whatever may be going on around you, now is not the time for reactions, now is a time for harmony from within. As big as challenges may seem, as hard as decisions may feel to make, finding your inner peace is the strongest tool you can have. This is what will heal you now. Like finding your breath in the middle of an extremely challenging yoga pose, or finding your voice amid the crowd.

If you chose the set of Cards 3:
Eight of Wands - "Up and flying! Your second wind." This card strikes at your heart like a lightweight bolt of clarity and alignment! You have been seeking his kind of electricity in your life for some time, and you are now rising out of the somewhat sticky slump and grind you were in to feel the vitality of energy and opportunity return. By harnessing this energy, you are able to build increased momentum towards the goals and activities you wish to see into their fullness, at a pace you haven't been able to achieve before. Thesis your second wind, allowing you to put strategies and plans in place with ease and grace, creating progress. Right now you're filled with passion, focus and optimism for the future. Do all you can to support these wonderful vibrations so that you may succeed. However, be mindful that you do not wish for the same of hurrying along completion. While you have wonderful energy and momentum behind you, it is important that you use your intuitive wisdom and logic to make smart decisions and actions. The Eight of Wands represents a very focused kind of motion and activity. The Eights are all about structure while the Wands are about raw energy. Thus, the structure of the Eight creates a channel through which the raw energy can flow. You are so sure about your goal that all distractions have been removed and you can devote yourself to the task with complete concentration, determination, and will. This experience can be very productive, allowing you to accomplish a lot in short time. "Instead of praying for an outcome, I pray for the highest good of all." Find your joy, strive for alignment with Source, and find this joy with the intention for highest good for all involved. That’s it. That’s the key to it all. Drop the worrying, the serious stuff, the doubt, the regret, the fear, the second guessing and over-analyzing, and get out there and live. Get out of your comfort zone and chase your dreams. Find your passion and live it. Step away from your past, stand in your truth, shed the projections that others have placed upon you and be authentically YOU. And have FUN doing it! Play. Breathe. Enjoy. Receive. Commit to happiness. And everything else will follow.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!