Card Drawing February 19, 2017
Hello! Good day, soul friends! Today's guidance comes from the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle deck by Toni Carmine Salerno and the Power of Surrender Oracle deck by Judith Orloff.
Which set of card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3..

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you selected the set of Cards 1:
Goddess of Oneness - Someone you love is thinking fondly of you at this very moment. Remember that love is not restricted by time or space and you are forever connected spiritually to those you love and care for. It is understandable that you may be sad and because you are physically apart from someone you dearly love. Alternatively, you may be sad and my loved ones recent passing from the Earth plane. Through this card they are making their presence felt. They have not left you and will never leave you; they are forever with you in spirit. The bonds of love can never be broken. You and acknowledge their presence, for they are with you in spirit right now. Surrender to Divine Timing - Sometimes Divine Timing may differ from your ego's timing. If a goal isn't manifesting "fast enough" according to your ego, be patient and Trust the universal flow.

If you were drawn to the set of Cards 2: Goddess of Strength - Stand up for what you believe. There are times in life when it is best to let go and walk away from certain situations. However, you are being encouraged by the universe to stand up for what you believe in, with regards to a situation you're currently faced with. The universe is testing your faith and resolve. Stand firm in your beliefs and convictions, yet do not allow resentment or anger to fester. It is possible to be both loving and strong simultaneously. You will gain much respect from others by standing your ground. At the same time you will have broken a long-standing pattern of not sending up for yourself that has affected your life experiences for a long time. Congratulations! Surrender to What Is - Flowing with what-is instead of fighting it. When you can't change the situation, compassionately accepting it exactly as it is will bring you peace.

If you chose the set of Cards 3: Angel Of the Universe - Expand -You are being encouraged to expand your thinking. By choosing this card you are being guided by your angels to look at your life and work from a broader, more Universal perspective. The angels congratulate you for all you have done to date to serve and help humanity and those around you. Yet it is time to move on to the next level. Trust your angels and the Universe, for they will guide you. There is no need for anxiety or fear. You are simply being encouraged to think a little bigger. Start to imagine yourself and your work reaching and touching larger numbers of people without losing any of the integrity of what you do. Imagine all this happening with ease and only in ways that will make you feel comfortable. It takes no more effort to think big than to think small. There is no need to do anything radical at this time. Remember, to a large degree, we create our reality by what we think about, dream about and imagine. Simply think a little bigger and ask the Angel Of The Universe to Guide You. Surrender Stubbornness - If you're tensing up or taking a rigid stance about something, gently observe yourself and become more yielding. This will help you communicate more lovingly with others and yourself.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!