Card Drawing February 14, 2017
Hello! Good day, soul friends! I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to use coupon code LOVESALE for 17% off in my shop until Friday!
Today's guidance comes from the Wisdom from the Hidden Realms Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3..

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you chose Card 1:
The Spiral Dancer - Circuitous Route, Perception The Spiral Dancer moves with her own rhythm and steps to music only she can hear. she takes you on a path that is winding and circular. She assures you that what you are experiencing as a setback is really part of an upward spiral. Perception is everything: you are not retracing your steps or going backwards, but rather around and up. She says that you can be comforted, knowing that your path is one of success, adventure, and experience. Follow her, for she dances along a magical way. If you are asking about a relationship, keep on dancing and magic will soon happen. Also it is OK to allow someone else to take the lead at this time. Make sure to let others know that you are open. Always remember that relationships are mirrors and will show you the past, the present, and the potential future. All relationships have a destiny. Each is a sacred teacher with valuable lessons to share, even if it appears that the two of you are dancing in different directions. All the steps are perfect, even when you may seem to be stumbling. The Spiral Dancer is a reminder that destiny’s true path is seldom straight.

If you picked Card 2:
The Metal King - Discipline, Armor, Boundaries The Metal King is strong and arrives to lend you his impenetrable shield of protection. No matter who sends you criticism or jealousy, you will not be hurt. This Ally also prompt you to think about setting healthy boundaries. When you do - no matter how uncomfortable that task may be - everyone will benefit. He asks you to make sure yo know where you end another begins. Other's emotions are NOT yours, no matter how empathetic you may be. Another of the Metal King's messages is to remind you how important it is to have a healthy sense of self-esteem. It's a good time to shine and be proud of what you have accomplished. Devote time to your highest priorities, even if it means getting to bed earlier or later. This is a wonderful time to work on projects that are near and dear to your heart. Even if you are confused about how to approach the project, or you fear whether you will be able to accomplish your dreams, do it anyway. You will feel elated by the time and energy you invest into your true priorities because your inner self will feel loved and well cared for. As you invest in your priorities, you are investing in yourself.

If you selected Card 3:
The Resting Tree - Patience, Stillness The Resting Trees is a sign for you to stop focusing and planning and be at peace in the moment. This is the representative of nonfiction and relaxation. Patience is the key to being with this Ally. The Resting Tree asks you to slow down, sit back, and watch the roses bloom and the birds feed in the meadow. This isn't the time to forge ahead in any way. You may not be taking enough breaks, so you're invited to be still and contemplate your good fortune, even if it means blessing the chaos in your life. This is as sign to allow everything to fall away except the stillness of the moment; it's like living within the space between breaths. When the Resting Tree appears, it signals that you've done all you can for now and it's time to unwind and allow your story to unfold of its own accord. You've earned the right to rest and relax. Amazing ideas will come if you do. Remember the ancient saying, "We do without doing and everything gets done."

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!