Card Drawing January 29, 2017
Hello! Good day, soul friends! Wow, this year has really flown by, already! We are about to come into February!
Don't forget to purchase your Four Month Tarotscope Email Readings and New Years Email Readings before the end of the month! Use code JANUARY for 20% off any purchase in my Etsy Shop.
Today's guidance comes from the Native Spirit Oracle deck by Denise Linn.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
Left - 1, Middle - 2, or Right - 3..

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you chose Card 1:
Circle of Life -
All things are possible. Stand in your center and be open. The Four Winds are bringing your dreams to fruition. Embrace and accept where you are in the great circle of life. Bounty and abundance are flowing to you. If you've had relationships or financial challenges, things are about to change.
The circle of life (called "the medicine wheel" in Native American traditions) symbolizes a cosmology that honors all the circles of life. Those in Western cultures tend to see life as linear; however, those in indigenous cultures see all life as a circle. When this card chooses you, it's time to honor and cherish all aspects of the great circle. All parts of the journey have beauty and grace. There's beauty in the rising sun, just as there is in the setting sun. To only revel in the rising sun (and demean times of endings) depletes your energy. Choose what is....and you become master of the Universe (or at least of your own personal universe).
Create a medicine wheel for yourself. It can be as simple as creating a circle of stones that you place on your desk, or making a circle of stones or pinecones that you lay outdoors. As you place each part of the circle, hold the intent that you're honoring all aspects of your life.

If you picked Card 2:
Flowing River -
Everything is falling into place because you aren't resisting the drift of the great river of life. It's time to let go. You're entering a period of gracious ease and flow. All is unfolding perfectly and with good timing. When you're in a state of flow, you aren't pushing the river to go faster, and you aren't swimming against it. Let go of the shore and enjoy the ride.
Rivers have personalities and carry energy, just as animals and plants do. From the Maoris to the Australian Aborigines, and to other native cultures throughout the world, it's believed that it's important to listen to the language of the river. If you aren't feeling the smooth currents of life, it might mean that you're trying to control situations or that you're being self-critical or judgmental. The way to move into flow is through gratitude and appreciation, and by allowing others to support and help you. Heed the Native American saying: "It's best to ride the horse the direction that it's going." This means that when the Flowing River card chooses you, you're being told to let go and go with the flow. If there is something or someone you need to forgive, this is the time. This is also the time to forgive yourself and just let go.
As you sower and the water flows over your body, imagine that everything is flowing in your life. Spend time next to a river or stream and watch the flowing waters; use it as a metaphor to let go and enter the flow.

If you selected Card 3:
Eagle Medicine -
Profound connections to the Creator and the heavenly realms. As the eagle soars high above the earth, it has the ability to see things from a higher perspective. Courage and stamina are filling your life. You have the ferocity to right injustice and wrongs done to you or to others. This is the time to face fear and overcome it.
If the Eagle Medicine card has chosen you, you are at the advent of the opportunity to truly see life from a rarified vantage point. Eagles are considered one of the most sacred of all birds in many tribes and cultures. Their single-minded fierceness, dynamic energy, and ability to soar high are part of the reason for this. This card reminds you to take heart and face fear; you do indeed have the strength to overcome any adversity. You have the capacity to channel the extraordinary life-force energy through your hands.
Go on an inner journey, and imagine that you're an eagle. Feel the power of your wings, the clarity of your eyesight, and the power of your talons. As you do this, be aware of the energy of the majestic eagle filling you.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about.
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!