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Native Spirit Oracle Cards by Denise Linn

Hello, soul friends!

Today's review is covering a deck that I thought was stunning, and I have always had an interest in Native American culture, medicine, and also Shamanism. I figured this would be a good addition to my collection. Plus, the natural pictures were breathtaking online, so I felt compelled to purchase it.

I hope you enjoy my review and generous pictures!

Native Spirit Cards

I purchased this deck through Hay House's website, during one of their sales and figured it would be a good addition to what I had at the time, as well as a fresh approach for guidance. I have a deep respect for nature and have always felt a calling deep in my soul to Native American culture. I loved the pictures I saw online, so I felt drawn to learn more about this deck and add to what I was already using.

Amazon's description of the Numerology Guidance Cards:

The Native Spirit Oracle Cards profoundly deepen your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you. Created by Denise Linn, an enrolled member of the Cherokee tribe and the best-selling author of the books Quest and Kindling the Native Spirit, this 44-card deck with companion guidebook holds the keys to unlocking a wondrous realm where you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you. These oracle cards were birthed at the base of a sacred mountain, and they carry the mystical energy that surrounded their birthing. Each card opens a gateway so that you can powerfully and immediately discern your own unique, secret messages from the Universe.
About the Author
Denise Linn is the best-selling author of 18 books, including Sacred Space and Soul Coaching®, and an enrolled member of the Cherokee tribe. She is an international lecturer, a healer, and a popular radio talk-show host, as well as the founder of the International Institute of Soul Coaching®, a professional certification course. Denise holds seminars on six continents and appears on television and radio programs throughout the world.

My Personal Review

This 44-card deck is meant to be used as an Oracle deck, which is just meant to be a little less restrictive than tarot, while allowing you to devise your own meanings of the cards, as well. The dimensions of the deck are 3.8 x 1.5 x 5.5 inches and published by Hay House.

The lift top box is typical of most Hay House products and has become something that I prefer in my decks, especially over a tuck box. I enjoyed the complex images and breathtaking scenic views. The cards consist of a beautiful photo, and the key words printed on the front of the card. Most cards have a simple border, but nothing too distracting from the amazing photography.

I was not disappointed, the author Denise Linn created a beautiful deck and when you draw a card, there is a keyword written on the card to help your intuition. If you are not too familiar or comfortable with using your intuition alone, the included guidebook will give you an interesting and detailed breakdown of what the card means, as well as a little explanation of it's importance in Native American culture. The guidebook also includes the influence currently playing out in your life and the lessons you need to incorporate into your life right now, to maximize the energy of the guidance. A keyword is printed on the front of each card which corresponds to the keyword descriptions in the guidebook. There is nothing harsh, garish, or obscene in this deck. It can be used to read for any client, without upsetting them, or having difficult to translate cards. The card backs are a beautiful scene with an eagle flying into the horizon and a border with the name of the deck. It doesn't allow for reversals, so I would leave this up to each individual. The cards are typical quality of other Hay House products, so I wasn't too impressed or blown away with that. The stock can be sticky and holds any bends too easily for my liking. I find that it also scratches a bit easier, so for those who do use their decks heavily, you may find yourself having to replace your decks faster than some Indie decks. Also, there is no gilded edge, so I find the edging peeling to be an issue with heavy use.

The size of the cards was an average oracle deck size. Not too large, and not too small. The 144 page guidebook is simple, but gives enough to encourage you to develop your own special meanings of the cards. It really does lead one to using their intuition and also diving into all of the details in the cards. I found it to be a quick to use deck, and easy to not be distracted by too many unnecessary details, odd wording, or a guidebook that is lacking. It is very user friendly and simple enough that anyone can dive right in.

All in all, I enjoyed it a lot and have found it to be wonderful to use with clients, without hesitation, if the messages will be well-received. It is comforting, supportive, and also allows for clear messages to be delivered to be without distracting details, or over complicated themes involved. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves nature, Native American culture/medicine, and also anyone who has an interest in Shamanism. I found the messages to always be comforting, detailed, and also very soothing.

Here are some extra pictures of this beautiful creation:

Overall, I think this was a unique and well-executed deck. I do recommend it!

My overall opinion is that this deck is a 4 star choice.

Artwork - 5 stars

Card stock - 3 stars

Ease - 4 stars

Guidebook - 5 stars

I hope that you enjoyed my deck review, and also enjoy other deck reviews that I add to this site. I have a passion for exploring new decks and also finding various ways of connecting to my intuition. I appreciate you checking out my site and taking the time to read my review.

Happy Reading!

Black Sky


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