Card Drawing June 5, 2016
Hello! Good day, soul friends! How did your weekend go? Today's card messages are from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
1, 2, or 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.

Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!

If you chose Card 1:
The Queen Of The Light
Illumination, Enlightenment, Celebration
The Queen Of The Light is a beautiful Ally and comes into your life to herald success in all your ventures. She illuminates the most important steps on your path and reminds you of your own brilliance. You are intelligent and inspired, and all your needs will be met. Remember that you are the instrument of the Divine shining through you in this world. You are on the correct path for your highest good.
The Queen also brings you insight into how you manifest your reality in the most miraculous ways. She promises that you will be shown the next right action and celebrates you as you stand brilliant, joyful, and enlightened in the present time. You have worked hard to come this far. You can be proud to stand tall in your conviction that in your heart of hearts, you know the truth of your situation.
Rewards for your perseverance and willingness to learn are on their way. Gratitude and acceptance are key today.

If you picked Card 2:
The High Lord Of Gratitude and Service - Selflessness, Humility, Conscious Action
The High Lord Of Gratitude and Service has arrived to help you find your true purpose today. Feeling gratitude for each moment you experience, and loving what is and what has been, will remind you that every breath you take holds a deep and profound awareness. Through small actions and selfless service to another, you are automatically placed upon your highest path, whether you are immediately aware of it or not. The presence of this Ally lets you know that you are on the correct path to fulfilling your desires.
You are also notified that your actions of service and attitude of gratitude will yield riches beyond your wildest dreams, as long as those riches are not the goal you have in mind. Giving service with no thought of return is what is required of your today. This would also be a good time to write a list reminding yourself of all the things in your life and the world around you that you have to be grateful for.
If your question or situation refers to a relationship, let gratitude be your guide. Be thankful for all you learn from this person. Truly, there are no friends and no enemies, just teachers along life’s journey. Be grateful for the laughter and even for the tears.
The attitude of gratitude is a magnet for true love in all forms.

If you were attracted to Card 3:
The Mapmaker Of Destiny
Authentic Purpose, Inspiration, Free Will
When the The Mapmaker Of Destiny appears, it is a sign that you are being given an opportunity to transform Fate into Destiny. At birth, each human being is given a unique map with myriad paths that intersect with one another. Your Map Of Destiny shows all the places you are meant to visit, places where you will be challenged to evolve into the highest aspects of the Self.
Remember that you are a spark of the Divine come to Earth to experience Itself in human form. As such, your path is unique. It is also somewhat preordained, and Fate represents the events in your life that were meant to happen and that you can’t change. Fate is transformed into Destiny according to how you respond to your circumstances. Destiny offers you the ability to make great opportunities out of fated experience, so free will and choice are possible at certain points on your map.
Now is one of those times. You are faced with a relationship or circumstance brought to you by Fate. How you respond will lead you into your perfect Destiny. You Ally may assume the form of a soul mate come to heal your heart and be your companion. Perhaps your Challenger makes you face the things within you that must change in order for you to express your highest good. Maybe Fate brings you an Ally in the form of a wonderful new project… or a Challenger in the form of a failed business.
No matter which form the may take, all are perfect expressions of Fate inviting you into your Destiny. Pay attention as your map unfolds now. And remember that Fate makes the map, but Destiny is determined by the manner in which you engage your journey.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!