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Card Drawing March 13, 2016

Good Sunday, my beautiful soul friends! Today's deck is the Native Spirit oracle card deck by Denise Linn.

Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?

1, 2, or 3...

Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your card, yet?


almost there!

If you picked Card 1:

Dream Traveler

You are a channel for Spirit. Trust your intuition, hunches, and gut reactions. This is a visionary crd with the message that you're on the right path, even if it doesn't always seem like it. Your higher self and spirit guides, ancestors, and guardians are watching over you and supporting you. You are blessed, and you are a blessing. You are a dreamer in the most wondrous definition of the word.

Your Native Spirit Wants You To Know - In earth-based, tribal traditions, people liked to those unique individuals who had the ability to journey during their nocturnal dreams to bring back wisdom and guidance for the tribe. The dreamers were able to step through sacred portals in the night to commune with those on the other side. You carry the energy of the visionary, healer, and seer. Watch your dreams; messages from the Creator are flowing to you.

The Journey - Before going to sleep, place a journal next to your bed. (Most dreams are forgotten wishing less than ten minutes, so it's essential to record them as soon as you can upon waking.) When the Dream Traveler card chooses you, it's essential to watch your dreams. Profound, and even life-changing, messages can come through.

If you chose Card 2:

Grandfather Sky

This is your time to reach for the sky! Expansive energy, vitality, health, healing, and passion - these qualities are expanding in your life. The sky's the limit. You are a healer and a channel for the life force of the Universe. Your ability to sense energy fields is increasing dramatically. Be prepared to soar to new heights.

Your Native Spirit Wants You to Know - When you receive the Grandfather Sky card. you're exerting into an expansive cycle. Do not hold back and repress what you feel; your body and spirit will become drained. If you strive to meet everyone's expectations, but forget to honor your own needs, your energy field becomes dull. If you allow your emotions and needs the freedom to be spontaneously expressed, waves of incredible energy will expand inside of you. Running on your own resources, it's easy to become drained; however, letting the divine light of the Creator flow through you easily replenishes your Soul.

The Journey - To deepen your connection to Grandfather Sky and bring an expansive energy into your life, stand outdoors with your arms reaching up to the sky. One of the fastest ways to bring joy and bounty into your life is through gratitude. Allow thankfulness to surge through you up into the heavens.

If you were drawn to Card 3:

Prayer Feather

Love is flowing to you and through you. No matter what an individual is saying or doing, love him or her anyway. Gather your inner forces; silently and secretly love deeply and fully, with every ounce of your being, even if someone isn't fulfilling your expectation. (It's easy to love people when they're acting wonderfully; the true challenge is to love them when they aren't.)

Your Native Spirit Wants You to Know - Feathers in native cultures often represent a connection with the Creator. Birds often symbolize messengers between the two-legged (human) and Spirit. This is your time to love and be loved. The love that you send out into the world comes back to you a hundredfold. There are times when the small concerns of everyday life need to drop away and be replaced by the majesty of your being...this is that time. Prayer feathers are decorated feathers that can be used for many reasons. In some traditions, prayers are placed in the feather - you can hold it to your hear or between your hands as you focus on your prayer - and then tied onto a rush so when the wind blows, it carries the prayers to the Creator. Another kind of prayer feather is a decorated feather or a decorated bundle of feathers that are used for smudging (sacred smoke) ceremonies. (The smoke is to cleanse the space as well as carry your prayers upward.)

The Journey - For a day, love each person you encounter. Imagine a golden ray of light from he center of your heart radiating to the center of the hear of that individual. Notice how great you feel by the end of the day.

Thank you for participating in my card drawing for today. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?

Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!

Black Sky


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