Card Drawing January 17, 2016
Happy Aquarius Season, my loves! I wanted to share and use a new deck that I received this week.
This week's oracle messages come from the Angels, Gods, & Goddesses Deck by Toni Carmine Salerno.
Which card(s) do you feel drawn to today?
1, 2, or 3...
Focus on the image and chose which cards you feel drawn to before scrolling down.
Did you choose your card, yet?
almost there!
If you chose Card 1:
Angel of Diet & Nutrition - "You intuitively know what is good for you."
You are being urged to pay attention to what you eat and drink; make sure you maintain a balanced diet. Remember, you intuitively know what is good for you. Simply pay attention ad be mindful - all in moderation. You are also being urged to pay attention to your thoughts. Health nutrition is not solely derived from what we eat and drink, it also stems from our thoughts. Positive and loving thoughts are just as nourishing as good food and drink. Let go of every fearful and negative tough and replace all with love; there is nothing to fear.
If you picked Card 2:
Angel of Union - "A partnership is blessed and destined for great success."
A merger, partnership or relationship of some kind is being formed which holds long-term benefits for your life. This relationship, partnership, or merger which is with someone you already know or deal with, is blessed and destined for great success of some kind. Many great and wonderful things are birthed as a result of this union, which will continue to grow and strengthen for the rest of your life.Thank the universe for this wonderful blessing!
If you were drawn to Card 3: Angel of Vision - "Someone is not revealing part of the story."
The Angel of Vision has appeared in your reading today to help you to see through a particular situation tat is affecting your life at present. There is more to the current situation than meets the eye. The person or people involved are hiding part of the truth and are not revealing the full story. Do not reply on what you are shown or told; rather, start to pay attention to your intuition. What is your gut feeling regarding this present event? Ask your Angel of Vision to help you. Trust your feelings and natural instincts instead of relying on what others say. All will be revealed through the light of love and the current streak, of events will turn in your favor.
Thank you for participating in my card drawing for the week. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the card(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about?
Don't forget to check back next week for another card drawing!