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Crystal Drawing December 13, 2015

Good morning, soul friends! It's been awhile since I posted a crystal drawing, so here we go! I love crystals for healing, for their beauty, and also for how much we can learn about their properties. I carry them daily. Do you use crystals?

Which crystal(s) do you feel drawn to today?

1, 2, or 3...

Focus on the image and chose which crystal you feel drawn to before scrolling down.


Did you choose your crystal, yet?


almost there!

If you chose Crystal 1:

Tourmalated/Tourmalinated Quartz - Quartz with inclusions of black needles in clear quartz, opaque to transparent

Tourmilated Quartz is clear or white quartz which has pieces of Black Tourmaline within it. These quartz crystals have strong metaphysical properties. They encourage a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels.

The addition of this light into your being makes these powerful healing crystals.

This is because this combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear quartz crystals, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy.

Just like Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated quartz stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones.

These stones have a powerful ability to clear your auric field of negativity. When the light that resonates from these crystals surrounds the body, this acts as a powerful protective field of energy, to keep you safe, and shield you from harm.

Tourmilated Quartz crystals are powerful healing stones, on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. They have an excellent psychic protection energy and a strong spiritual grounding capacity as well.

This crystal is an excellent asset on a number of levels.

Although Black Tourmaline has many powerful metaphysical and healing attributes, it the combination with the clear quartz in this stone that makes Tourmilated Quartz Tourmilated Quartz so powerful.

All Quartz crystals have powerful amplifying properties, and they may also be programmed to use for specific purposes.

Clear quartz alone has excellent ability to infuse the auric field with light. It will amplify the energy of other stones it is with and amplify your thoughts and may aid clear thinking.

Unfortunately this may be a problem when you are going through a negative period and the thoughts that are being amplified are not positive.

This is why the presence of the Black Tourmaline in this stone is so welcome, as it brings through the capacity of this mineral to aid you to clear negativity from your environment.

It is known to aid you to clear emotional problems as it helps to dissolve crystallized patterns within the auric field. It aids astral travel and creates harmony within all of the chakras.

Tourmalated Quartz, also called Tourmalinated Quartz, shares the properties of its components – the grounding and deflection of negative energy found in Tourmaline, as well as the energy amplification and consciousness raising ability of Quartz. Tourmalated Quartz can help bring balance to the Yin and Yang energies, and is often used as a good luck charm. Black Tourmaline, or Schorl, which is most commonly the type of Tourmaline found in Tourmalated Quartz, is a well known stone in metaphysical circles. Used for grounding and clearing, Black Tourmaline is also exceptional at blocking and transmuting negativity, making it a wonderful stone for releasing fear and worry, and for protection of one's energy field. Black Tourmaline is also used for clearing away electromagnetic pollution from sources such as computers and cell phones. Clear Quartz is known as the master healer of the mineral kingdom and is often used for enhancing psychic abilities. It has the energetic property of amplification, focus, and programmability. Crystal lovers know Clear Quartz to be a great tool for manifestation and spiritual growth. Meditating with Clear Quartz can help one to attune to the soul purpose. Clear Quartz can open and activate the chakras. Clear Quartz is also a great tool for manifestation grids and body layouts, but must be cleansed regularly. The combination of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline creates a powerful ally in one's spiritual growth. While the Quartz can be an aid to those on the spiritual path, the Black Tourmaline can help keep one well-grounded, thus avoiding that out-of-touch sensation that can often result from being too focused on the higher pursuits. Black Tourmaline in Quartz can also help one to avoid picking up negative vibrations from the environment or other people, making it a great crystal for one's pocket or purse. Tourmalated Quartz is loved by crystal healers for its energetic cleansing effect on the aura, and is great for energy healing sessions and grid work.

It is also an excellent environmental cleanser as it amplifies the vibration of the Black Tourmaline out into the environment where it is located to transmute any negativity and create positive feelings.

If you picked Crystal 2:

Golden Quartz - Yellow shades, slightly opaque

Golden Quartz is a member of the Quartz family and carries the same broad characteristics as Clear Quartz but it also has additional properties which increase its spiritual healing abilities. Golden Quartz is therefore an excellent protective, energising and powerful cleansing stone.

Physically Quartz can particularly help to stimulate the thyroid and the thymus. It can help with digestive problems and also alleviate nausea. It can also benefit the immune system. It cleanses and enhances all the organs and strengthens all systems of the body. Quartz is said to be particularly helpful for chronic fatigue, arthritis, fibromyalgia, depression, bone injuries and intestinal problems.

Mentally Quartz can provide clarity of thought and aids concentration. It can also help to retain information which makes it especially useful for aiding study.

Emotionally Quartz can help to boost clear thinking and can therefore aid the owner to recall forgotten memories. Quartz is excellent for emotional healing and is good for alleviating anger.

Spiritually Golden Quartz can enable healing at all levels. Golden Quartz is excellent for assisting spiritual communication over a long distance, in particular enabling communication between worlds. Quartz is an excellent stone for psychic healing. It can assist in balancing all chakras, aligning subtle bodies and is great for assisting meditation and spiritual communication. It is also a great stone for protecting the aura and enhancing psychic abilities. It absorbs all negative energy of all kinds including radiation and electromagnetic smog.

Golden Quartz is best known as a stone of success. It can help increase one’s self confidence, creativity and bring success in business and ventures.

Golden Quartz is the stone of confidence. It helps increase self-confidence, creativity, and rbing success in business and entrepeneurship. It works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. In meditation, it filters out distactions and keeps you focused. Golden Quartz also cleanses and enhances the organs, subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. It works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. Spiritually, Golden Quartz facilitates spiritual communication over a long distance, including between worlds and empowers healing at all levels. Storing information like a natural computer, it is like a spiritual library waiting to be accessed. Golden Quartz enhances psychic abilities and attunes one to one’s spiritual purpose. Used in meditation, it filters out distractions and helps one to keep focus.

If you were drawn to Crystal 3:

Desert Rose - Brown, Cream, Tan, White

The Desert Rose is sometimes called the Sand Rose, Selenite Rose or Gypsum Rose. It is a form of gypsum that, when sand particles become embedded in it, forms rosette-like concretions. They are found in arid, desert regions, hence their name. (The properties of Selenite also apply)

Desert Roses are said to contain a spirit guardian, and each one is different. Because of this, they are useful as protective talismans and can increase your own self-confidence and self-worth. Those who are timid or shy, but have latent talents, can benefit from a Desert Rose. This is especially true for children/teens.

Use Desert Rose to increase creativity as well as psychic abilities. If you suffer from phobias, especially claustrophobia, keep a Desert Rose handy for its calming effects. It can help one to deal with grief and to let go of those things/emotions that have been keeping you from living your best life.

Physically, Desert Rose can help with travel sickness, viral infections, nausea and disorders associated with the prostate.

Desert Rose is a variety of Selenite. As such it has its own energies as well as those of Selenite in general. It is a stone of the mind, as well as angelic stone. It is said to bring mental ability and clarity, as well as perception of all kinds, including intuitive perception.

Desert rose is used in crystal healing to quiet worries and still the mind from distractions and disruptions. Metaphysically, desert rose is used to dissolve "programs" we have put upon our selves that are outdated or over-used. It is helpful for strength in meditation and affirmation. It is said to be helpful for the spine and the skeleton in general, and for aligning the spine properly.

Selenite crystals work to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation.

Gently grounding; clarifies thinking and mental vision, perception. Quiets worry, brings out practicality. (Related to Selenite.) Quiets the mind. Used to access past/future lives, assists in bring material pursuits related to business. Provides flexibility to one's nature, strengthens decisions, align the spinal column and removes energy blockage. Stabilizes epileptic disorders.

Helps to dissolve self imposed programs that have been running for too long. It releases the program and assists in finding an appropriate replacement. It can be used to strengthen affirmations of purpose.

The white or transparent crystals have a strong vibration that may open the crown chakra and the soul star chakra.

This will assist you to contact the Divine Mind and to access the Angelic realm.

These are high vibration crystals, that also deliver clarity of mind, by cleansing the aura of negative energy build up, both within the physical and the etheric body.

Using White Selenite can be powerful for activating dormant abilities from past lives. It has the capacity to take you to the higher realms, which often happens quickly.

Thank you for participating in my crystal drawing for the week. I hope that you enjoyed it! Did the crystal(s) you felt drawn to give you some guidance to think about, some information you might need, or bring some healing aspect you feel that would be appropriate for you?

Don't forget to check back for another crystal drawing in the future!

Black Sky


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