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The Candle & Limpia Session is a complete healing service provided by me to each individual client. Candle magic is a potent way of opening new doors, focusing intentions, and also clearing any blockages due to our own self-imposed limitations, or even the hindrances of the Universe. This combo service has been a wonderful way to help others find healing on their journey.


This will include a Limpia de Huevo (translation: Egg Cleanse), which is a traditional Mesoamerican healing technique that was always a part of my upbringing. I have finally felt comfortable enough to offer these healing sessions as a distance offering for clients. 


Limpias de Huevo are great at cleansing our aura and energies. They are also known to remove the "Evil Eye" so you can feel things that are stuck or negative vibes be removed. This allows energy to become more free flowing. 


Once your egg cleanse has been performed, I will custom dress and bless a candle with appropriate herbs, oils, powders, and also intentions set by you to continue any other intentions, magic to be focused on, or blockages to be removed. Candles can be used for calling things to you, protection, removal of blockages, to limit issues that are currently in your way, and to also call in more love into your life. 


For this reading, you will first received an Egg Cleanse from me via distance. In order to successfully connect, I will need a picture of you, and we will agree on a time that works with our schedules to do your healing session.


Once that is completed, I will do the Limpia de Huevo ceremony and your egg will be dropped in a blessed glass of water and I will read the things I see and note in the egg. 


I review in full detail the meaning of what I see in your egg and how you can utilize the energies of their advice to aid you in furthering your journey in life. After your egg cleanse is complete, a dressed candle with your intentions will be created, and burned while I take note of anything that comes through or anything that happens.


Once purchased, you will receive a picture of your egg (from the top and side), pictures of your candle, as well as detailed interpretations of what is noted in your egg and candle via a personalized recording of your reading.


A personalized link from Google Drive will be sent to you and you will be able to download your reading to your personal device/computer. 


Recorded Email readings are all completed within 5 to 7 (five to seven) business days of received payment. Please include your email and question in the "Email Address + Question" field box before placing your order.

Candle & Limpia Session

  • No refunds on email readings.

    All services offered by Astrology and Angel Mediums are for entertainment purposes only.

  • Email Readings are sent within 5-7 business days of received payment. Email Readings will be sent to provided email address.

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